Here is a program that feels pain.  It is a simulation of a 2-input logic gate
that you train by reinforcement learning.  It "feels" in the sense that it
adjusts its behavior to avoid negative reinforcement from the user.

/* pain.cpp - A program that can feel pleasure and pain.

The program simulates a programmable 2-input logic gate.
You train it by reinforcement conditioning.  You provide a pair of 
input bits (00, 01, 10, or 11).  It will output a 0 or 1.  If the
output is correct, you "reward" it by entering "+".  If it is wrong,
you "punish" it by entering "-".  You can program it this way to
implement any 2-input logic function (AND, OR, XOR, NAND, etc).

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  // probability of output 1 given input 00, 01, 10, 11
  double wt[4]={0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5};

  while (1) {
    cout << "Please input 2 bits (00, 01, 10, 11): ";
    char b1, b2;
    cin >> b1 >> b2;
    int input = (b1-'0')*2+(b2-'0');
    if (input >= 0 && input < 4) {
      int response = double(rand())/RAND_MAX < wt[input];
      cout << "Output = " << response 
           << ".  Please enter + if right, - if wrong: ";
      char reinforcement;
      cin >> reinforcement;
      if (reinforcement == '+')
        cout << "aah! :-)\n";
      else if (reinforcement == '-')
        cout << "ouch! :-(\n";
      int adjustment = (reinforcement == '-') ^ response;
      if (adjustment == 0)
        wt[input] /= 2;
        wt[input] = 1 - (1 - wt[input])/2;

--- Jiri Jelinek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> James,
> Frank Jackson (in "Epiphenomenal Qualia") defined qualia as
> "...certain features of the bodily sensations especially, but also of
> certain perceptual experiences, which no amount of purely physical
> information includes.. :-)
> >If it walks like a human, talks like a human, then for all those
> aspects it is a human
> If it feels like a human and if Frank is correct :-) then the system
> may, under certain circumstances, want to modify given goals based on
> preferences that could not be found in its memory (nor in CPU
> registers etc.). So, with some assumptions, we might be able to write
> some code for the feelPainTest procedure, but no idea for the actual
> feelPain procedure.
> Jiri
> On 6/11/07, James Ratcliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Two different responses to this type of arguement.
> >
> > Once you "simulate" something to the fact that we cant tell the difference
> > between it in any way, then it IS that something for most all intents and
> > purposes as far as the tests you have go.
> > If it walks like a human, talks like a human, then for all those aspects
> it
> > is a human.
> >
> > Second, to say it CANNOT be programmed, you must define IT much more
> > closely.  For cutaneous pain and humans, it appears to me that we have
> pain
> > sensors, so if we are being pricked on the arm, the nerves there send the
> > message to the brain, and the brain reacts to it there.
> >
> > We an recreate this fairly easily using VNA with some robotic touch
> sensors,
> > and saying that "past this threshhold" it becomes "painful" and can be
> > damaging, and we will send a message to the CPU.
> >
> > If there is nothing "magical" about the pain sensation, then there is no
> > reason we cant recreate it.
> >
> > James Ratcliff

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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