
"Elite"?  There is no governing scientific authority until someone actually
builds an AI.

By "elite" I was simply referring to whatever small fraction of the
established AI researchers which is creative, open-minded, and intelligent.
There must be a few of those out there, and I'd like to understand their way
of thinking.

Just because an authority knows more AI than you do,
doesn't mean that their mastery is so great that you should be
astonished at the proposition that they have gotten something wrong.

The ideas Josh raised seemed obvious to me (after he and others mentioned
them), so I was asking if they are obvious (with our without such prompting)
to the above-mentioned best of the AI researchers.

There is no herd yet, stop trying to join it.

I don't want to join any herd -- perhaps I just want to figure out why there
is no AGI herd yet; as much a sociological question as a scientific one.


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