> Out of curiosity, how would you rank the "IQ" of your current code?

We have not yet tried to build a system like the one you describe,
because we've considered it to probably not be on the short path to AGI

However, we will likely be building something like this during the next 6
months, due to a customer requesting us to.  We'll see how it
goes ;-)

-- Ben G

> After a few weekends of hacking, and about 3KLoc of code, I can get
> the following squeezed out of the opencyc kb:
>   cyc-net> who is lincoln
>   Abe Lincoln is a famous person. He is a thing that exists in time. He is
>   a male person, who is a famous person. Abe Lincoln is a man. He is an
>   ethnic Caucasian. He is an United States president, who is a historical
>   figure. Abe Lincoln is an One of the presidents of the United States. He
>   is a dead organism.
>   cyc-net> what is copper?
>   I know of several things named "copper". They are:
>   There's copper, the copper, which is an orangeish thing.
>   There's copper, copper, which is a mineral.
>   cyc-net> who is betsy ross
>   I've never heard of betsy ross. Tell me about him.
>   cyc-net> who is macbeth
>   I've never heard of macbeth. Tell me about him.
>   cyc-net> who is lucy liu
>   Lucy Liu is a female person. She is a television actor.
> These are the result of very very direct reasoning, very low cpu usage
> (under 2 seconds, except for Lincoln, which had to weed out 20 things
> named "Lincoln County") and yet, its vaguely comparable to something
> that a 6-7-8-9-year-old might produce.
> Where is the developmental jump? At the pre-teen level?

Your question isn't very well-defined.

We have no programs that can pass the "5 year old child Turing Test",
at least recent experiments in China suggest this....  I bet your program
pass it either....  Question-answering based on an NLP database is not
the same as conversation, though...

Making a program that can dig info out of a DB in the manner of a 6 year old
is one thing, making a program that can converse in the manner of a 6 year
old is another thing entirely...

>From a commercial perspective, an NLP query engine may be valuable, though,
even if it's not done in a way that is readily generalizable into an AGI.

-- Ben G

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