Also, perhaps the left hand side of the equation in defn 1.3.3 should have a
union symbol rather than a sum?

>Page 11 .. section 1.6, Fourth sentence of first paragraph,
>a psi is missing a backslash \psi (so its spelled out, instead of a
>symbol being printed.)
Likewise in page 6, def 1.2.2.


2007/11/9, Linas Vepstas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 03:40:19PM +0100, Shane Legg wrote:
> [...]
> !
> I haven't finished reading the thing, but I did notice some typos.
> Page 8: defn 1.3.2 has a missing \mu; it should say
> "... has the additional property \mu(\Omega)..."
> and next sentence is also missing a \mu:
> should say "...then we call the tuple (\Omega, D, \mu)..."
> bottom of page, should say
> "... P \ {0} is isomorphic to A^{\omega}"
> instead of
> "... P \ {0} is isomorphic to A^*"
> Page 10, should define the new notation not used previously:
> \mu(xy|x) == \frac {\mu(xy)} {\mu (x)}
> Page 10 .. Wikipedia seems to want to call this
> "Kullback-Leibler divergence" not just plain "Kullback divergence"
> Page 11 .. section 1.6, Fourth sentence of first paragraph,
> a psi is missing a backslash \psi (so its spelled out, instead of a
> symbol being printed.)
> Section 1.4 seems to have a general self-inconsistency: sometimes
> you are prepending, and sometimes appending to a string. When dealing
> with infinite strings, you can only prepend/append to the start of the
> string, not to the end (well, OK, you can append to the end of an
> infinite string, but that launches you into transfinite math,
> which I suspect is not at all the intent here). Since P is defined by
> prepending, switching to appended notation for the rest of the section
> confuses the issue. Fixing this would als allow your defin's and
> theorems to work on A^\omega, and not just A^*.
> Nice paper, though. I hope I will be pleasently entertained when I get
> to section 2.
> --linas
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