On 08/12/2007, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Trossen stuff looks at a glance - correct me - like we are going to see
> ever more robots programmed for specialised tasks in ever more
> environments.But it's arguably general intelligence and, indeed,
> "athleticism", that interests us here.

Yes I expect to see more narrow AI robotics in future, but as time
goes on there will be pressures to consolidate multiple abilities into
a single machine.  Ergonomics dictates that people will only accept a
limited number of mobile robots in their homes or work spaces.
Physical space is at a premium, and you don't want multiple devices
getting in your way all the time.  In a similar manner it's
inconvenient to have to carry around multiple electronic gadgets -
really you just want a single gadget which does lots of things.

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