On 08/12/2007, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I.e. the "AGI meets robotics" meme is VERY far from affecting the
> commercial robotics
> industry, it would seem.  Which is a shame.

This comes back to what Matt Trossen was talking about in that both he
and I think that the big innovations in robotics probably aren't going
to come either from academic research or from big companies.  These
organisations have the means and opportunity, but lack the motivation
to produce truly intelligent machines.  Most likely the really smart
stuff is going to come from tinkerers - hobbyists or maybe small
businesses.  As a hobbyist (or independently wealthy international
playboy) you can afford to invest years of effort into something which
may have no obvious financial payback, and we've already seen this
style of development successfully employed to create software such as
the GNU/Linux operating system.

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