Here's a basic abstract I did last year I think:

Would like to work with others on a full fledged Reprensentation system that 
could use these kind of techniques.... 
I hacked this together by myself, so I know a real team could put this kind of 
stuff to much better use.


Ed Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       I           James,
  Do you have any description or examples of you results.  
  This is something I have been telling people for years.   That you should be 
able to extract a significant amount (but probably far from all) world 
knowledge by scanning large corpora of text.  I would love to see how well it 
actually works for a given size of corpora, and for a given level of 
algorithmic sophistication.
  Ed Porter
  -----Original Message-----
 From: James Ratcliff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 4:51 PM
 Subject: RE: Hacker intelligence level [WAS Re: [agi] Funding AGI research]
   What is your specific complaint about the 'viability of the framework'?
   This line of data gathering is very interesting to me as well, though I 
found quickly that using all web sources quickly devolved into insanity.
 By using scanned text novels, I was able to extract lots of relational 
information on a range of topics. 
    With a well defined ontology system, and some human overview, a large 
amount of information can be extracted and many probabilities learned.
 Ed Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 You are implicitly assuming a certain framework for solving the problem of 
representing knowledge ... and then all your discussion is about whether or not 
it is feasible to implement that framework (to overcome various issues to do 
with searches that have to be done within that framework).
 But I am not challenging the implementation issues, I am challenging the 
viability of the framework itself.
 JAMES---> What e
 ED PORTER=====> So what is wrong with my framework? What is wrong with a
 system of recording patterns, and a method for developing compositions and
 generalities from those patterns, in multiple hierarchical levels, and for
 indicating the probabilities of certain patterns given certain other pattern
 I know it doesn't genuflect before the alter of complexity. But what is
 wrong with the framework other than the fact that it is at a high level and
 thus does not explain every little detail of how to actually make an AGI
 >RICHARD LOOSEMORE=====> These models you are talking about are trivial
 exercises in public 
 relations, designed to look really impressive, and filled with hype 
 designed to attract funding, which actually accomplish very little.
 Please, Ed, don't do this to me. Please don't try to imply that I need 
 to open my mind any more. Th implication seems to be that I do not 
 understand the issues in enough depth, and need to do some more work to 
 understand you points. I can assure you this is not the case.
 ED PORTER=====> Shastri's Shruiti is a major piece of work. Although it is
 a highly simplified system, for its degree of simplification it is amazingly
 powerful. It has been very helpful to my thinking about AGI. Please give
 me some excuse for calling it "trivial exercise in public relations." I
 certainly have not published anything as important. Have you?
 The same for Mike Collins's parsers which, at least several years ago I was
 told by multiple people at MIT was considered one of the most accurate NL
 parsers around. Is that just a "trivial exercise in public relations"? 
 With regard to Hecht-Nielsen's work, if it does half of what he says it does
 it is pretty damned impressive. It is also a work I think about often when
 thinking how to deal with certain AI problems. 
 Richard if you insultingly dismiss such valid work as "trivial exercises in
 public relations" it sure as hell seems as if either you are quite lacking
 in certain important understandings -- or you have a closed mind -- or both.
 Ed Porter
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