On Dec 26, 2007, at 7:21 AM, Stan Nilsen wrote:

Samantha Atkins wrote:

In what way? The limits of human probability computation to form accurate opinions are rather well documented. Why wouldn't a mind that could compute millions of times more quickly and with far greater accuracy be able to form much more complex models that were far better at predicting future events and explaining those aspects of reality with are its inputs? Again we need to get beyond the [likely religion instilled] notion that only "absolute knowledge" is real (or "super") knowledge.

Allow me to address what I think the questions are (I'll paraphrase):

Q1. in what way are we going to be "short" of super intelligence?

resp: The simple answer is that the most intelligent of future intelligences will not be able to make decisions that are clearly superior to the best of human judgment. This is not to say that weather forecasting might not improve as technology does, but meant to say that predictions and decisions regarding the "hard" problems that fill reality, will remain hard and defy the intelligentsia's efforts to fully grasp them.

This is a mere assertion. Why won't such computationally much more powerful intelligences make better decisions than humans can or will?

Q2. why wouldn't a mind with characteristics of ... be able to form more complex models?

resp: By "more complex" I presume you mean having more "concepts" and "relevance" connections between concepts. If so, I submit that wikipedia estimate of synapse of the human brain at 1 to 5 quadrillion is major complexity, and if all those connections were properly tuned, that is awesome computing. Tuning seems to be the issue.

I mean having more active data, better memory, tremendously more accurate and powerful computation. How complex our brain is at the synaptic level has not all that much to do with how complex a model we can hold in our awareness and manipulate accurately. We have no way of "tuning the mind" and you would likely a get a biological computing vegetable if you could. A great deal of our brain is design for and supports functions that have nothing to do with modeling or abstract computation.

Q3 why wouldn't a mind with characteristics of ... be able to build models that "are far better at predicting future events"?

resp: This is very closely related to the limits of intelligence, but not the only factor contributing to intelligence. Predictable events are easy in a few domains, but are they an abundant part of life? Abundant enough to say that we will be able to make "super" predictions? Billions of daily decisions are made, and any one of them could have a butterfly effect.

Not really and it ignores the actual question. If a given set of factors of interest are inter-related with a larger number of variables than humans can deal with then an intelligence that can work with such more complex inter-dependencies will make better decisions in those areas. We already have expert systems that make better decisions more dependably in specialized areas than even most human experts in those domains. I see no reason to expect this to decrease or hit a wall. And this is just using weak AI.

Q4 why wouldn't a mind... be far better able to explain "aspects of reality"?

resp: may I propose a simple exercise? Consider yourself to be Bill Gates in philanthropic mode (ready to give to the world.) Make a few decisions about how to do so, then explain why you chose the avenue you took. If you didn't delegate this to committee, would you be able to explain how the checks you wrote were the best choices in "reality"?

This is not relevant to the question at hand. Do you think an intelligence with greater memory, computational capacity and vastly greater speed can keep track of more data and generate better hypothesis to explain the data and tests and refinements of those hypotheses? I think the answer is obvious.

Deeper thinking - that means considering more options doesn't it? If so, does extra thinking provide benefit if the evaluation system is only at level X?

What does this mean? How would you separate "thinking" from the "evaluation system"? What sort of "evaluation system" do you believe can actually exist in reality that has characteristics different from those you appear to consider woefully limited?

Q5 - what does it mean, or how do you separate thinking from an evaluation system?

resp:  Simple example in two statements:
1.  Apple A is bigger than Apple B.
2.  Apples are better than oranges.

Does it matter how much you know about apples and oranges? Will deep thinking about the DNA of apples, the proteins of apples, the color of apples or history of apples, help to prove the second statement? Will deep analysis of oranges prove anything?

Will fast and accurate recall of every related fact about Apples and oranges help in our proof of statement 2? Even if the second statement had been 2. Apple A is better than Apple B, we would have had trouble deciding if the superior color of A is greater than the better taste of B.

This is a silly argument as (2) is a subjective value judgment having nothing to do with more or less intelligence.

This is what I mean by evaluation system. Foolish example? Think instead "economic prosperity" is better than "CO2 pollution" if you want to be real world.

Q6 - what sort of "evaluation system" can exist that has characteristics differing from what I consider woefully limited.

resp: I'm not clear what communicated the idea that I consider either the machine intelligence or the human intelligence to be woefully limited. I concede that machine intelligence will likely be as good as human intelligence and maybe better than the average human. Is this super? Was the "woefully inadequate" in reference to a personal opinion? Those are not my words, I consider human intelligence a work of art, brilliant.

You assert it will not be "super" but you have not made an effective argument for your position. Perhaps you will in the website you mention but I doubt it.

Exactly what is it about human minds that makes us better decision makers and more capable than any other creatures on the planet? Do you believe that we are some pinnacle of intelligence and nothing can come along significantly smarter than us? You seem to be arguing such a position.

If you do not believe this then why would you think it is impossible to build an AGI significantly smarter than us?

- samantha

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