On Feb 17, 2008 7:37 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  "water flows downhill" site:wikipedia.org  -- 4 results
>  "water flows uphill" site:wikipedia.org  -- 2 results
> BUT, both of the latter 2 results are within user talk pages, not regular
> wikipedia entries... whereas all of the former 4 results are on regular
> wikipedia entries
> I'm not saying one can use wikipedia as the knowledge base for an
> AGI, it's clearly not big enough, but I think this certainly defuses your
> example a bit
> obviously, defusing more complex examples would require more work --
> many useful pieces of info exist only implicitly among various Web pages
> rather than on a single Web page...

Of course no matter what example I give, you can "defuse" it with an
appropriate amount of work. But the key word in that isn't "defuse",
it's "you". Yes, _you_, being a general intelligence with the
requisite real-world knowledge, can know what's relevant and what
isn't, and therefore ignore the documents that aren't relevant, keep
searching until you find one that is, and regard it as the answer. For
an AI program to do that, it would have to start off with precisely
the sort of real-world knowledge that I've been talking about.

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