> C is not very viable as of now.  The physics in Second Life is simply not
> *rich* enough.  SL is mainly a space for humans to socialize, so the physics
> will not get much richer in the near future -- is anyone interested in
> emulating cigarette smoke in SL?

Second Life will soon be integrating the Havok 4 physics engine.

I agree that game-world physics is not yet very realistic, but it's improving
fast, due to strong economics in the MMOG industry.

> E is also hard, but you seem to be *unaware* of its difficulty.  In fact,
> the problem with E is the same as that with AIXI -- the thoery is elegant,
> but the actual learning would take forever.  Can you explain, in broad
> terms, how the AGI is to know that water runs downhill instead of up, and
> that the moon is not blue, but a greyish color?

Water does not always run downhill, sometimes it runs uphill.

To learn commonsense information from text requires parsing the text
and mapping the parse-trees into semantic relationships, which are then
reasoned on by a logical reasoning engine.  There is nothing easy about this,
and there is a hard problem of semantic disambiguation of relationships.
Whether the disambiguation problem can be solved via statistical/inferential
integration of masses of extracted relationships, remains to be seen.

Virtual embodiment coupled with NL conversation is the approach I
currently favor, but I think that large-scale NL information extraction can
also play an important helper role.  And I think that as robotics tech
develops, it can play a big role too.

I think we can take all approaches at once within an integrative framework
like Novamente or OpenCog, but if I have to pick a single focus it will
be virtual embodiment, with the other aspects as helpers...

-- Ben G

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