>  d) you keep repeating the illusion that evolution did NOT achieve the
>  airplane and other machines - oh yes, it did - your central illusion here is
>  that machines are independent species. They're not. They are EXTENSIONS  of
>  human beings, and don't work without human beings attached. Manifestly
>  evolution has taken several stages to perfect tool/machine-using species -
>  of whom we are only the latest version - I refer you to my good colleague,
>  the tool-using-and-creating Caledonian crow.

That is purely rhetorical gamesmanship...

By that interpretation of "achieved by evolution" then any AGI that we create
will also be achieved by evolution, due to being created by humans that
were achieved by evolution, right?

So, by this definition, the concept of "achieved by evolution" makes no
useful distinctions among AGI designs...

And: a wheel does work without a human attached, btw ..


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