--- Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > So what provides the artificial evolutionary drive in your system?  I can
> > accept that cooperation between agents and killing defectors (your 
> > definition
> > of Friendly) leads to greater fitness, but where does the group goal of 
> > self
> > preservation come from if there are no wars between groups?
> From all of my other goals.  If I die, none of them get done.  This is why 
> self-preservation is an Omohundro drive.

Which is not quite correct.  Humans and other animals don't have Omohundro
drives as explicit goals.  They have goals that contribute to these drives. 
You don't have a goal of self preservation.  You have goals like eating,
breathing, avoiding pain, etc. that increase the odds of passing on your

This seems like a minor point but it is not.  You cannot automatically assume
that an agent in a cooperative environment wants to live.  Indeed, if there is
competition among groups, the most successful groups will have agents with
goals that promote the survival of the group, not themselves.

So I ask again.  If there is just *one* group of cooperating agents, then
where does the drive for group self preservation come from?

I suppose that a group would have inherited goals that contribute to survival
from an earlier time when groups competed.  But if there is no competition,
then those goals don't evolve.  It is like humans given unlimited food,
machines to do all our work, and drugs to make us happy.  We evolved in a time
when those things didn't exist, so we become fat, lazy addicts.  How do you
prevent your group of friendly agents from wireheading itself?

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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