On 25/03/2008, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  You're thinking too small.  The AGI will distribute itself.  And money is
> likely to be:
>    - rapidly deflated,
>    - then replaced with a new, alternate currency that truly values
>    talent and effort (rather than just playing with the money supply -- aka
>    interest, commissions, inheritances, etc.)
>    - while everyone's basic needs (most particularly water, food,
>    shelter, energy, education, and health care) are provided for free
> So your brilliant arbitrage to become rich is unlikely to be of much value
> just a few years later.

The arrival of smarter than human intelligence will bring about changes
which are hard to anticipate, and somehow I doubt that this will mean that
we all live in some kind of utopia.  The only historical precedent which I
can think of is the emergence of homo sapiens and the effects which that had
upon other human species living at the time.  This must have been quite a
revolution, because the new species was able to manufacture many different
types of tools and therefore survive in environments which were previously
inaccessible, or perform more efficiently within existing ones.

There may be a period where proto-AGIs are available and companies can use
these as "get rich quick" schemes of various kinds to radically automate
processes and jobs which were previously performed manually.  But once the
real deal arrives then even the captains of industry are themselves likely
to be overthrown.  Ultimately evolutionary forces will decide what happens,
as has always been the case.

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