John G. Rose wrote:
From: Richard Loosemore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

However, I think you are right that there could be an intermediate
period when "proto-AGI" systems are a nuisance.  However, these
proto-AGI systems will really only be souped up Narrow-AI systems, so I
believe their potential for mischief will be strictly limited.

When you start seeing souped up Narrow-AI and proto-AGI systems this is when
it will become interesting because what's to distinguish and how do you know
where the line is between proto-AGI and AGI. Self-modifying proto could
morph into full blown AGI over a period of time. Souped up Narrow could
approach AGI or imitate AGI enough where it has appeal. And souped up
Narrow-AI could wrap proto-AGI to facilitate certain things like speech rec
and visual processing. In my mind (perhaps I need to read more) the specific
properties of AGI are not defined precisely enough to be able to distinguish
it but I just take AGI as generally adaptable AI. The other stuff like
consciousness and self-awareness I see as thrown into the AGI soup or are
emergent properties not necessarily required for general intelligence.

My take on this is completely different.

When I say "Narrow AI" I am specifically referring to something that is so limited that it has virtually no chance of becoming a general intelligence. There is more to general intelligence than just throwing a bunch of Narrow AI ideas into a pot and hoping for the best. If it were, we would have had AGI long before now.

Consciousness and self-awareness are things that come as part of the AGI package. If the system is too simple to have/do these things, it will not be general enough to equal the human mind.

Richard Loosemore

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