On 4/19/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  .... Though it is unlikely to do so, because collaborative open-source
> > projects are best suited to situations in which the fundamental ideas behind
> > the design has been solved.
> I believe I've solved the fundamental issues behind the Novamente/OpenCog
> design...

It's hard to tell whether you have really solved the AGI problem, at
this stage. ;)

Also, your AGI framework has a lot of non-standard, home-brew stuff
(especially the knowledge representation and logic).  I bet there are
some merits in your system, but is it really so compelling that
everybody has to learn it and do it that way?

Creating a standard / common framework is not easy.  Right now I think
we lack such a consensus.  So the theorists are not working together.


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