As usual, it is a matter of degree --- each of the communities Alexei
listed has some similarity with AGI in the research goals and
techniques explored, but at the same time, there are noticeable
differences in the assumptions and focuses, which are not merely a
difference in name.

Given what is going on, we can expect closer relationship among these
communities in the future, though probably not a complete merging very


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 5:21 AM, Joshua Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To return to the old question of why AGI research seems so rare, Samsonovich
> et al. say
> (
> 'In fact, there are several scientific communities pursuing the same or
> similar goals, each unified under their own unique slogan: "machine /
> artificial consciousness", "human-level intelligence", "embodied cognition",
> "situation awareness", "artificial general intelligence", "commonsense
> reasoning", "qualitative reasoning", "strong AI", "biologically inspired
> cognitive architectures" (BICA), "computational consciousness",
> "bootstrapped learning", etc. Many of these communities do not recognize
> each other.'
> Could this be the case: That there are many investigators outside the AGI
> community who share the goals and many of the methods with AGI-ers?
>  Joshua
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