On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ben/Joshua:
>  How do you think the AI and AGI fields relate to the embodied & grounded
> cognition movements in cog. sci? My impression is that the majority of
> people here (excluding you) still have only limited awareness of them  - &
> are still operating in total & totally doomed defiance of their findings:

My opinion is that the majority of people here are aware of these
ideas, and consider them unproven speculations not agreeing with their
own intuition ;-)

>  "Grounded cognition rejects traditional views that cognition is computation
>  on amodal symbols in a modular system, independent of
>  the brain's modal systems for perception, action, and introspection.
>  Instead, grounded cognition proposes that modal simulations,
>  bodily states, and situated action underlie cognition."  Barsalou
>  Grounded cognition here obviously means not just pointing at things, but
> that all traditional rational operations are, and have to be, supported by
> image-inative simulation in any form of general intelligence.

I wouldn't agree with such a strong statement.  I think the grounding
of ratiocination in image-ination is characteristic of human
intelligence, and must thus be characteristic of any highly human-like
intelligent system ... but, I don't see any reason to believe it's the
ONLY path.

The minds we know or can imagine, almost surely constitute a
teeny-tiny little backwater of the overall space of possible minds ;-)

-- Ben G

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