Ed Porter wrote:
Your response is very unclear.
You say "authors NEVER discuss the y = x^^2 equation as if it counted as
"nonlinear"." This implies the concept of "non-linear" I have asked you to
define does not, repeat not, include functions that include powers of their
arguments, meaning they are not included in what you consider "non-linear"
in your four factors of design doom.
But then you say "Even though "linear" means y is directly
proportional to x in its limited sense, there is a universally accepted
general sense that is not so restricted."
Taken together this implies your concept of non-linear does not include "y
is directly proportional to x" and does not include things like y=x^2, and
does not include a lot more that falls into the definition of linear. But,
Richard, this does not say what your concept of "non-linear" is.
I have said, several times now, that this is not "my" usage, so why do
you repeatedly refer to it as if I made it up?
It is standard usage: please consult a mathematician to check on the
facts before you start flaming me with acrimonious comments.
Richard Loosemore
Furthermore, it does not justifies the insulting putdown of Russell Wallace
you made in your Thursday, April 24, 2008 12:38 PM post.
Please, try to be a little bit tighter in your reasoning. For example,
please spend more time explaining "non-linear" as used in your four factors
of design doom rather than defining a subset of the definitions of "linear."
If on the other hand, the error was a typographical error and what you meant
to say is that "Y = X^2" is non-linear please tell us. But if that is the
case, please tell us if "non-linear" as used in your four factors of design
doom was limited to only power functions, or if it includes other types of
non-linear functions commonly used in AI such as binary functions or
sigmoidal functions.
Ed Porter
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