On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 10:01 PM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Sophistry.

I noticed. Try cutting back on it a little, please?

>  The statement "computers are complex" is meaningless, because a computer
> can be programmed to do anything:

Actually, any system that can be programmed do to anything must
necessarily be complex. Irrespective of the program, a CPU is complex
at the hardware design level.

>   - If it is programmed to do nothing except write out the text string
> "humpty dumpty" forever, then it is not complex.

Did you miss the bit where I granted "Hello World" as an example of a
non-complex program?

>   - If it is programmed to emulate a standard example of a complex system,
> it is complex.

Or if it's programmed to do anything useful.

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