On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 3:10 AM, Dr. Matthias Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  In my opinion I have proven that qualia can never be explained though if we
>  have better brain scanner then qualia can be described by physical
>  processes. But I think I have shown that it must be  processes which we do
>  not understand how or why they really describe qualia.

You didn't answer my objections in the relevant thread yet.

>  Life was a great
>  mystery. But the conclusion is wrong to say that we can explain qualia
>  because we solved the mystery of life.

It is a lesson. Intuition about what constitutes an explanation can
turn out to be severely derailed.

>  Qualia is an intrinsic property of mind. This makes it completely different
>  from the pheneomenon of gravity or life which can be observed by many
>  people. You can ask someone what he sees when a stone falls to earth. And
>  you can compare his results with your results. But you can never compare
>  your qualia with another persons qualia.

If you can use a brain scanning device that says "you experience X"
when you experience X, why is it significantly different from
observing stone falling to earth with a device that observes "stone
falling to earth"?

Vladimir Nesov

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