Also, YKY, I can't help but note that your currently approach seems
extremely similar to Texai (which seems quite similar to Cyc to me),
more so than to OpenCog Prime (my proposal for a Novamente-like system
built on OpenCog, not yet fully documented but I'm actively working on
the docs now).

I wonder why you don't join Stephen Reed on the texai project?  Is it
because you don't like the open-source nature of his project?


On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One thing I don't get, YKY, is why you think you are going to take
> textbook methods that have already been shown to fail, and somehow
> make them work.  Can't you see that many others have tried to use
> FOL and ILP already, and they've run into intractable combinatorial
> explosion problems?
> Some may argue that my approach isn't radical **enough** (and in spite
> of my innate inclination toward radicalism, I'm trying hard in my AGI work
> to be no more radical than is really needed, out of a desire to save time/
> effort by reusing others' insights wherever  possible) ... but at least I'm
> introducing a host of clearly novel technical ideas.
> What you seem to be suggesting is just to implement material from
> textbooks on a large knowledge base.
> Why do you think you're gonna make it work?  Because you're gonna
> build a bigger KB than Cyc has built w/ their 20 years of effort and
> tens to hundreds of million of dollars of US gov't funding???
> -- Ben G
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 3:46 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin)
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Note that I did not pick FOL as my starting point because I wanted to
>> go against you, or be a troublemaker.  I chose it because that's what
>> the textbooks I read were using.  There is nothing personal here.
>> It's just like Chinese being my first language because I was born in
>> China.  I don't speak bad English just to sound different.
>> I think the differences in our approaches are equally superficial.  I
>> don't think there is a compelling reason why your formalism is
>> superior (or inferior, for that matter).
>> You have domain-specific heuristics;  I'm planning to have
>> domain-specific heuristics too.
>> The question really boils down to whether we should collaborate or
>> not.  And if we want meaningful collaboration, everyone must exert a
>> little effort to make it happen.  It cannot be one-way.
>> YKY
>> -------------------------------------------
>> agi
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> --
> Ben Goertzel, PhD
> CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
> Director of Research, SIAI
> "If men cease to believe that they will one day become gods then they
> will surely become worms."
> -- Henry Miller

Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"If men cease to believe that they will one day become gods then they
will surely become worms."
-- Henry Miller

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