On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 6:57 AM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> But enough of that, let's get to the meat of it:  Are you arguing that the
>> function that is a neuron is not an elementary operator for whatever
>> computational model describes the brain?
> We don't know which "function that describes a neuron" we need to use --
> are Izhikevich's nonlinear dynamics models of ion channels good
> enough, or do we need to go deeper?
> Also we don't know about the importance of extracellular charge
> diffusion... computation/memory happening in the glial network ...
> etc. ... phenomena which suggest that the neuron-functions are not the
> only elementary operators at play in brain dynamics...
> Lots of fun stuff still to be learned ;-)

My current design maps nicely on a simplistic low-level structure of
the brain: more or less static network with some long-reaching edges
and some local edges, nodes of high degree, edges directed and with
delay. My analysis suggests that it is a sufficient system to
implement high-level capabilities associated with intelligence. In
this model, nodes only need to perform unsupervised binary clustering
(active/inactive), and rather simple online adaptive maximum margin
with some tweaks seems to suffice. Maybe most of the brain is
something like that, with high-level structure only used for
optimization, encoding of inborn drives and bootstrapping.

Vladimir Nesov

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