On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 10:23 PM, J Storrs Hall, PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Huh? I used those phrases to describe two completely different things: a
> program that CAN change its highest priorities (due to what I called a bug),
> and one that CAN'T. How does it follow that I'm missing a distinction?
> I would claim that they have a similarity, however: neither one represents a
> principled, trustable solution that allows for true moral development and
> growth.

So, to make some synthesis in this failure-of-communication
discussion: you assume that there is a dichotomy between top-level
goals being fixed and rigid (not smart/adaptive enough) and top-level
goals inevitably falling into a nirvana attractor, if allowed to be
modified. Is that a fair summary?

Vladimir Nesov

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