>> > if you wire-head, you go extinct
>> Doing it today certainly wouldn't be a good idea, but
>> whatever we do to take care of risks and improvements, our AGI(s) will
>> eventually do a better job, so why not then?
> Going into a degenerate mental state is no different than death. If you can't 
> see this, the AGI will, and choose the most efficient solution.

I see a big difference between "mind-blowing" wire-triggered pleasure
perception vs. no perception (/death).

> If you want to upload to Nirvana, you can do it today. Just run 
> http://www.mattmahoney.net/autobliss.txt with two positive arguments, then 
> kill yourself.

Oh, poor testers... Looks like they all died before being able to
report the missing upload fn.


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