2008/6/24 Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > So here's simple evidence - look at the following foto - and note that you > can distinguish each individual in it immediately. And you can only do it > imagistically. No maths, no language, no algebraic variables, no programming > languages can tell you what makes each one of those people individual/ > different. Just images. So uniquely powerful.
Anyone who proposes that image understanding somehow does not involve a good deal of geometry/maths hasn't researched the area or done any computer vision, in my opinion. Even if you ignore artificial systems and just look at biology it's really all about geometry and massively parallel nonlinear transformations. ------------------------------------------- agi Archives: http://www.listbox.com/member/archive/303/=now RSS Feed: http://www.listbox.com/member/archive/rss/303/ Modify Your Subscription: http://www.listbox.com/member/?member_id=8660244&id_secret=106510220-47b225 Powered by Listbox: http://www.listbox.com