As far as I can tell, all you've done is give the irreducibility a name: 
"statistical mechanics". You haven't explained how the arrow of time emerges 
from the local level to the global. Or, maybe I just don't understand it... can 
you dumb it down for me?


--- On Mon, 6/30/08, Lukasz Stafiniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > By the way, just wanted to point out a beautifully
> simple example - perhaps the simplest - of an
> irreducibility in complex systems.
> >
> > Individual molecular interactions are symmetric in
> time, they work the same forwards and backwards. Yet
> diffusion, which is nothing more than the aggregate of
> molecular interactions, is asymmetric. Figure that one out.
> >
> This is just statistical mechanics. The interesting thing
> is that we
> make an opportunistic assumption, that any colliding
> particles are
> independent before collision (this introduces the time
> arrow), which
> is then empirically "confirmed" by the fact that
> derived properties
> agree with the "phenomenological" theory of
> entropy.
> P.S. The biggest issue that spoiled my joy of reading
> "Permutation
> City" is that you cannot simulate dynamic systems ( =
> solve
> numerically differential equations) out-of-order, you need
> to know
> time "t" to compute time "t+1" (or,
> alternatively, you need to know
> "t+2"), the same goes for space, I presume you
> need to know x-1,x,x+1
> to compute the next-step x.
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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