On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My scepticism comes mostly from my personal observation that each complex
> systems scientist I come across tends to know about one breed of complex
> system, and have a great deal to say about that breed, but when I come to
> think about my preferred breed (AGI, cognitive systems) I cannot seem to
> relate their generalizations to my case.

That's not very surprising if you think about it. Suppose we postulate
the existence of a grand theory of complexity. That's a theory of
everything that is not simple (in the sense being discussed here) -
but a theory that says something about _every nontrivial thing in the
entire Tegmark multiverse_ is rather obviously not going to say very
much about any particular thing.

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