On 8/2/08, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thus:  in my paper there is a quote from a book in which Conway's efforts
> were described, and it is transparently clear from this quote that the
> method Conway used was random search:

I believe this statement misinterprets the quote and severely underestimates
the amount of thought and design inherent in Conway's invention. In my
option, the stochastic search methodologies (practiced mainly by his
students) can be considred 'tuning/improvement/tweaking' and NOT themselves
part of the high-level conceptual design. But, this topic is a subjective
interpretation rabbithole that is probably not worth pursuing further.

Back on the topic of OpenCog Prime, I had typed up some comments on the
'required methodologies' thread that were since covered by Ben's
**interactive learning** comments, but my comments may still be useful as
they come from a slightly different perspective (although they require
familiarity with OCP terminology found in the wikibook, and I'm sure Ben
will chime in to correct or comment if necessary):

'Teaching' [interactive learning] should be included among those words
loaded with much future work to be done.

'Empirical studies done on a massive scale' includes teaching, and does not
necessarily imply using strictly controlled laboratory conditions. Children
learn in their pre-operational and concrete-operational stages using their
own flavor of 'methodological empirical studies' which the teaching stages
of OCP will attempt to loosely recreate with proto-AGI entities within
virtual worlds in a variety of both guided (structured) and free-form
(unstructured) sessions.

The complex systems issue comes into play when considering the interaction
of OCP internal components (expressed in code running in MindAgents) that
modify structures of atoms (including maps, which are themselves atoms that
encapsulate groups of atoms to store patterns of structure or activity mined
from the atomspace) with each other and with the external world. A key point
to consider about MindAgents is that the result of their operation is a
proxy for the action of atoms-on-atoms. The rules that govern some of these
inter-atom interactions are analogous to the rules within cellular automata
systems, and are subject to the same general types of manipulations and
observable behaviors (e.g. low-level logical rules, various algorithmic
manipulations like GA, MOSES, etc, and higher-level transformations, etc.).

It is intended that correct and efficient learning methodologies will be
influenced by emergent behaviors arising from elements of interaction
(beginning at the inter-atom level) and tuning (mostly at the MindAgent
level), all of which is carefully considered in the OCP design (although not
yet explicitly and thoroughly explained in the wikibook).


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