Sorry if I'm commenting a little late to this: just read the thread. Here is
a question. I assume we all agree that intelligence can be defined as the
ability to achieve goals. My question concerns the establishment of those
goals. As human beings we move in a world of limitations (life span, ethical
laws, etc.) and have inherent goals (pleasure vs pain) given by evolution.
An AGI in a different embodyment might not have any of that, just a pure
meta system of obtaining goals, which I assume, we partly give the AGI and
partly it establishes. Now, as I understand, the point of Singularity is
that of building an AGI more intelligent than humans so it could solve
problems for us that we cannot solve. That entails that the goal system of
the AGI and ours must be interconnected somehow. I find it difficult
to understand how that can be achieved with an AGI with a different type of
embodyment. I.e. planes are great in achieving flights, but are quite
useless to birds as their goal system is quite different. Can anyone

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