No, the state of ultimate bliss that you, I, and all other rational, goal seeking agents seek

Your second statement copied below not withstanding, I *don't* seek ultimate bliss.

You may say that is not what you want, but only because you are unaware of the possibilities of reprogramming your brain. It is like being opposed to drugs or wireheading. Once you experience it, you can't resist.

It is not what I want *NOW*. It may be that once my brain has been altered by experiencing it, I may want it *THEN* but that has no relevance to what I want and seek now.

These statements are just sloppy reasoning . . . .

----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt Mahoney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: AGI goals (was Re: Information theoretic approaches to AGI (was Re: [agi] The Necessity of Embodiment))

Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What if the utility of the state decreases the longer that you are in it
(something that is *very* true of human
If you are aware of the passage of time, then you are not staying in the
same state.

I have to laugh.  So you agree that all your arguments don't apply to
anything that is aware of the passage of time?  That makes them really
useful, doesn't it.

No, the state of ultimate bliss that you, I, and all other rational, goal seeking agents seek is a mental state in which nothing perceptible happens. Without thought or sensation, you would be unaware of the passage of time, or of anything else. If you are aware of time then you are either not in this state yet, or are leaving it.

You may say that is not what you want, but only because you are unaware of the possibilities of reprogramming your brain. It is like being opposed to drugs or wireheading. Once you experience it, you can't resist.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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