On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

It looks like what you've thought about is aspects of the information
processing side of RSI but not the knowledge side. IOW you have thought
about the technical side but not abouthow you progress from one domain of
knowledge about the world to another, or from one subdomain to
another. That's  the problem of general intelligence which, remember, is all
about crossing domains.

Hmmm... it is odd that you make judgments regarding what I have or have not
*thought* about, based on what I choose to write in a brief email.  My goal
in writing emails on this list is not to completely disburse myself of all
my relevant thoughts ... if I did that, I would not have time to do anything
all day but write emails to this list ;-) ... and of course I still would
fail ... these are complex matters and there's a lot to say...

yes, in that email i described the formal process of RSI and not the general
world-knowledge that an AGI will need in order to effectively perform RSI.

Before rewriting its own code substantially, an AGI will need to get a lot
of practice writing simpler code carrying out a variety of tasks in a
variety of contexts related to the system's own behavior...

But this should naturally happen.  For instance if an AGI needs to learn new
inference control heuristics and inference formulas, that is a sort of
preliminary step to learning new inference algorithms ... which is a
preliminary step to learning new kinds of cognition ... etc.   One can
articulate a series of steps toward progressively greater and greater
self-modification ...

But yes, each of these steps will require diverse knowledge ... but the
gaining of this knowledge is mostly not about RSI particularly, but rather
just part of one's overall AGI architecture ... intelligence as you say
being all about knowledge gathering, maintenance, creation and enaction

> Before you can talk about RSI, you really have to understand these problems
> of crossing and integrating domains (and why people are so resistant -
> they're not just being stupid or prejudiced). And you have to have a global
> picture of both the world of knowledge and the world-to-be-known.  Nobody in
> AGI does.

I think I do.  You think I don't.  Oh well.

> If RSI were possible, then you should see some signs of it within human
> society, of humans recursively self-improving - at however small a scale.
> You don't because of this problem of crossing and integrating domains. It
> can all be done, but laboriously and stumblingly not in some simple,
> formulaic way. That is culturally a very naive idea.

Similarly, if space travel were possible, humans would be flying around
unaided by technology from planet to planet, and star to star ;-p


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