> --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [agi] Re: Goedel machines ..PS
> To: agi@v2.listbox.com
> Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 3:53 PM

> Ben, 

> If RSI were possible, then you should see some 
signs of it within human society, of
> humans recursively self-improving - at 
however small a scale. You don't because of this
> problem of crossing and 
integrating domains. It can all be done, but laboriously and
> stumblingly not in 
some simple, formulaic way. That is culturally a very naive idea.

I hope nobody minds if I interject with a brief narrative concerning a recent 
experience. Obviously I don't speak for Ben Goertzel, or anyone else who thinks 
RSI or recognizing superior intelligence is possible.

As it happened, I was looking for a new job a while back, and landed an 
interview with a major corporate entity. When I spoke to the HR representative, 
she bemoaned the lack of hiring standards, especially for her own department. 
"It's impossible," she said, "As a consultant explained it to us a few years 
ago, the corporation changes with each person we hire or fire, changes into a 
related but different entity. If we measure the intelligence of a corporation 
in terms of how well suited it is to profit from its environment, my job is to 
make sure that people we hire (on average) result in the corporation becoming 
more intelligent." She looked at me for sympathy. "As if all our resources were 
enough to recognize (much less plan) an entity more intelligent than 
ourselves!" She had a point. "What's worse, we're expected to hire new HR staff 
and provide training that will make our department more effective at hiring new 
people." I nodded. That would lead to
 recursive self improvement (RSI), which is clearly impossible. Finally she 
said I seemed like the sympathetic sort, and even though that had nothing to do 
with her worthless hiring criteria, I could have the job and start right away.

I thought about the problem later, and eventually concluded that one good HR 
strategy would be to form hundreds or thousands (millions?) of corporations 
with stochastic methods for hiring, firing, training, merging and creating 
spinoffs, perhaps using GP or MOSES or some such. Eventually, corporations 
would emerge with superior intelligence.

The alternative would be a massive cross-disciplinary effort, only imaginable 
by a super-neo-da Vinci character who's a master of psychology, mathematics, 
economics, manufacturing, politics -- essentially every field of human 
knowledge, including medical sciences, history and the arts.

I guess it doesn't look too hopeful, so we're probably going to be stuck with 
hiring, firing and training practices that mean absolutely nothing, forever.

Charles Griffiths



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