
Since your paper is on "preservation of AI goal systems under repeated
self-modification", I wonder whether you should address the following
related issues:

(1) Whether "goal drift" (I call "task alienation" in
is always undesired --- your paper treats it as obviously bad.

(2) Whether it is possible to completely avoid it in a truly
intelligent system --- you suggests one way to avoid it, without
saying how much of the problem can be handled by this solution.

I don't have the time to write a detailed paper on this topic, but
I've written here or there (include the book) that

(1) This phenomenon is a root of many valuable properties, including
originality, creativity, and flexibility, and it explained many
things, including art appreciation, aimless playing, even scientific
exploration. Without it, human beings would just be like other
animals, driving only by their built-in biological goals.

(2) It is impossible to completely avoid this phenomenon in a truly
intelligent system, whether we like it or not. Your solution won't
change the big picture, even though it may help in some special cases.


On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> All who interested in such topics and are willing to endure some raw
> speculative trains of thought,
> may be interested in an essay I recently posted on goal-preservation in
> strongly self-modifying
> systems, which is linked to from this blog post
> (I've got another, shorter post on AGI systems with superhuman empathy
> coming up ... but probably
> not this weekend; I've got some real work to get through first ;-)
> -- Ben
> --
> Ben Goertzel, PhD
> CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
> Director of Research, SIAI
> "Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
> overcome " - Dr Samuel Johnson
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