
> The concept of "top-level goals" (or "super goals") in this discussion
> is often ambiguous. It can mean (1) the initial (given or built-in)
> goal(s) from which all the other goals are derived, or (2) the
> dominating goal when conflicts happen among goals. Many people
> implicitly assume they are the same, but they usually are different in
> human mind, and there is no reason to assume in AGIs they will be the
> same. Which do you mean?

I mean (2) ... however it is also the case that most of the system's other
goals *will* be derived from the top-level goal in sense (2), in
goal system.

> How much testing is enough? In human history, many initially
> benign-looking ideas lead to long-term troubles. I don't think there
> are ways to reach conclusive conclusions, except in special domains.


> I don't think any AGI system can maintain a  top-down goal system in
> the sense that the child-goals are logically consistent with the
> parent-goals, unless the world/environment is assumed to be closed and
> fully predictable.

True ... but it can try to maintain such consistency probabilistically!

> Not really. As soon as you agree that the system in principle has
> insufficient knowledge and resources, it directly follows that the
> system cannot be absolutely sure whether a "subgoal" derived according
> to the system's current belief will indeed lead to the satisfaction of
> the "supergoal" that producing it. What the system does may reduce
> this inconsistency, but cannot avoid it. This is the "big picture" I
> talked about.

I agree and the NM/OpenCog inference approach is all about uncertain,
probabilistic inference ... not absolute certainty.

> If you propose your solution as one way to increase the consistency in
> goal-derivation, I have no problem.

Yes, that is the nature of my proposal

> It is just that in the "AGI
> ethics" discussion, there are beliefs that AGI systems can be designed
> with guaranteed "friendliness" by carefully choosing the "supergoal",
> and making all the "subgoals" consistent with them, which, to me, is a
> completely wrong idea (though I respect the motivation).

Perhaps there are those beliefs, but they are not MY beliefs ;-)


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