Will:You can't create a program out of thin air. So you have to have some
sort of program to start with

Not out of thin air.Out of a general instruction and desire[s]/emotion[s]. "Write me a program that will contradict every statement made to it." "Write me a single program that will allow me to write video/multimedia articles/journalism fast and simply." That's what you actually DO. You start with v. general briefs rather than any detailed list of instructions, and fill them in as you go along, in an ad hoc, improvisational way - manifestly *creating* rather than *following* organized structures of behaviour in an initially disorganized way.

Do you honestly think that you write programs in a programmed way? That it's not an *art* pace Matt, full of hesitation, halts, meandering, twists and turns, dead ends, detours etc? If "you have to have some sort of program to start with", how come there is no sign of that being true, in the creative process of programmers actually writing programs?

Do you think that there's a program for improvising on a piano [or other form of keyboard]? That's what AGI's are supposed to do - improvise. So create one that can. Like you. And every other living creature.

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