On Thursday 04 September 2008, Mike Tintner wrote:
> You start v. constructively thinking how to test the non-programmed
> nature of  - or simply record - the actual writing of programs, and
> then IMO fail to keep going.

You could trace their keyboard presses back to the cerebellum and motor 
cortex, yes, this is true, but this isn't going to be like "tracing the 
programmer pathway" in a brain. You might just end up tracing the 
entire brain [which is another project that I fully support, of 
course]. You can imagine this as the signals being traced back to their 
origins back to the spine and the CNS like the cerebellum and motor 
cortex, and then from the somatosensory cortex that gave them the 
feedback for debugger error output (parse error, rawr), etc. You could 
even spice up the experimental scenario by tracking different 
strategies and their executions in response to bugs, sure.

> Ask them to use the keyboard for everything - (how much do you guys
> use the keyboard vs say paper or other things?) - and you can
> automatically record key-presses.


> Hasn't anyone done this in any shape or form? It might sound as if it
> would produce terribly complicated results, but my guess is that they
> would be fascinating just to look at (and compare technique) as well
> as analyse.

I don't think it's sufficient to keep it as analyses, here's why:
http://heybryan.org/humancortex.html Basically, wouldn't it be 
interesting to have an online/real-time/run-time system for keeping 
track of your brain as you program? This would allow for neurofeedback 
and some other possibilities.

- Bryan
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