On Thursday 04 September 2008, Mike Tintner wrote:
> And what I am asserting is a  paradigm of a creative machine, which
> starts as, and is, NON-algorithmic and UNstructured  in all its
> activities, albeit that it acquires and creates a multitude of
> algorithms, or
> routines/structures, for *parts* of those  activities. For example,
> when you write a post,  nearly every word and a great many phrases
> and even odd sentences, will be automatically, algorithmically
> produced. But the whole post, and most paras will *not* be - and
> *could not* be.

Here's an alternative formulation for you to play with, Mike. I suspect 
it is still possible to consider it a creative machine even with an 
algorithmic basis *because* it is the nature of reality itself to 
compute these things; there is nothing that can have as much 
information about the moment than the moment itself, and thus why 
there's still this element of stochasticity and creativity that we see, 
even if we say that the brain is deterministic and so on.

- Bryan
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