--- On Sun, 9/7/08, Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>1.  I believe that there is some VERY fertile but untilled ground, which
>if it is half as good as it looks, could yield AGI a LOT cheaper than
>other higher estimates. Of course if I am wrong, I would probably accept
>your numbers.
>2.  I believe that AGI will take VERY different (cheaper and more
>valuable) forms than do other members on this forum.
>Each of the above effects are worth several orders of magnitude in effort.

You are just speculating. The fact is that thousands of very intelligent people 
have been trying to solve AI for the last 50 years, and most of them shared 
your optimism.

Perhaps it would be more fruitful to estimate the cost of automating the global 
economy. I explained my estimate of 10^25 bits of memory, 10^26 OPS, 10^17 bits 
of software and 10^15 dollars.

>You really should see my Dr. Eliza demo.

Perhaps you missed my comments in April.

In any case, what does Dr. Eliza do that hasn't been done 30 years ago?

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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