Mike, > How will you understand, and recognize when information objects/ e.g > language/words are "unreal" ? e.g. Turn yourself inside out. >... unreal/untrue/metaphorical in different and sometimes multiple >simultaneous ways
It's like teaching a baby. You don't want to use confusing language/metaphors.. I expect my users to understand the GIGO effect. But GINA (=my AGI experiment) does have some features for dealing with unreal / confusing concepts. As I mentioned before, it learns from stories (written in a formal language). Each story can be marked "Real", "Unreal", or "Abstract". The Real means "real world", the "Unreal" means "fairy tale" kind of stuff (animals talking etc), and the Abstract covers things like math and other very formal "worlds" (e.g. chess rules etc). When a user submits a problem-to-solve, he/she can also specify if the scope of the solution search should include the "Unreal" domain. Another relevant feature is support of phrase concepts. It allows to teach the system about the impact of saying something particular in particular scenarios (e.g. "Good night", "WTF", "I love you", "Hmmmm" or possibly your "Turn yourself inside out"). The description of what it literally means is optional (unlike the impact descriptions). There are also some automated evaluation procedures applied to new knowledge before it's approved as a knowledge useful for problem solving. Another thing is that the confusing input (assuming it will make it to the knowledge used for problem solving) will have the tendency to be eliminated because users will be rejecting solutions that were based on it. There is a lot more but I cannot explain it well in short. > You might also ask yourself how you will, if your approach extends beyond > language, know that any image or photo is unreal. GINA just stores URLs for images and users describe it using system's formal language (which I named GSL by the way - General Scripting Language). GINA deals with images in similar way as with above mentioned phrases. Regards, Jiri Jelinek ------------------------------------------- agi Archives: https://www.listbox.com/member/archive/303/=now RSS Feed: https://www.listbox.com/member/archive/rss/303/ Modify Your Subscription: https://www.listbox.com/member/?member_id=8660244&id_secret=114414975-3c8e69 Powered by Listbox: http://www.listbox.com