> However, could you guys be more specific regarding the statistical
> differences of different types of data? What kind of differences are you
> talking about specifically (mathematically)? And what about the differences
> at the various levels of the dual-hierarchy? Has any of your work or
> research suggested this hypothesis, if so which?

Sorry I've been fuzzy on this ... I'm engaging in this email conversation in
odd moments while at a conference (Virtual Worlds 2008, in Los Angeles...)

Specifically I think that patterns interrelating the I/O stream of system S
with the relation between the system S's embodiment and its environment, are
important.  It is these patterns that let S build a self-model of its
physical embodiment, which then leads S to a more abstract self-model (aka
Metzinger's "phenomenal self")

Considering patterns in the above category, it seems critical to have a rich
variety of patterns at varying levels of complexity... so that the patterns
at complexity level L are largely approximable as compositions of patterns
at complexity less than L.  This way a mind can incrementally build up its
self-model via recognizing slightly complex self-related patterns, then
acting based on these patterns, then recognizing somewhat more complex
self-related patterns involving its recent actions, and so forth.

It seems that a human body's sensors and actuators are suited to create and
recognize patterns of the above sort whereas the sensors and actuators of a
laptop w/o network cables or odd peripherals are not...

-- Ben G

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