On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > PLN needs to make assumptions about node probability in this case; but
>> > NARS
>> > also makes assumptions, it's just that NARS's assumptions are more
>> > deeply
>> > hidden in the formalism...
>> If you means assumptions like "insufficient knowledge and resources",
>> you are right, but that is not at the same level as assumptions about
>> the values of node probability.
> I mean assumptions like "symmetric treatment of intension and extension",
> which are technical mathematical assumptions...

But they are still not assumptions about domain knowledge, like node

>> I guess my previous question was not clear enough: if the only domain
>> knowledge PLN has is
>> > Ben is an author of a book on AGI <tv1>
>> > This dude is an author of a book on AGI <tv2>
>> and
>> > Ben is odd <tv1>
>> > This dude is odd <tv2>
>> Will the system derives anything?
> Yes, via making default assumptions about node probability...

Then what are the conclusions, with their truth-values, in each of the
two cases?


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