> You have already provided one very suitable example of a general AGI
> problem -  how is your pet having learnt one domain - to play "fetch", - to
> use that knowledge to cross into another domain -  to learn/discover the
> game of "hide-and-seek."?  But I have repeatedly asked you to give me your
> ideas how your system will deal with this problem. And you have always
> avoided it. I don't think, frankly, you have an idea how it will make the
> connection in an AGI way. I am extremely confident you couldn't begin to
> explain how a complex approach will make the cross-domain connection between
> fetching and hiding/seeking.

You are wrong, but persistently arguing with you is not seeming

What you're talking about is called "transfer learning", and was one of the
technical topics Joel Pitt and I talked about during his visit to my house a
few weeks ago.  We were discussing a particular technical approach to this
problem using PLN abduction -- which is implicit in the OpenCogPrime design
and the PLN book, but not spelled out in detail.

However, I don't have time to write down our ideas in detail for this list
right now.

The examples we were talking about were stuff like ... if an agent has
learned to play tag, how can it then generalize this knowledge to make it
easier for it to learn to play hide-and-seek ... simple stuff like that ...
and then, if it has learned to play hide-and-seek, how can it then
generalize this knowledge to learn how to hide valued items so its friends
can't find them ... etc.  Simple examples of transfer learning,
admittedly... but we did sketch out specifics of how to do this sorta stuff
using PLN...

This is stuff Joel may get to in 2009 in the OpenCog project, if things go
well... right now he's working on fixing up the PLN implementation...

-- Ben G

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