On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Steve Richfield

> Ben,
> I have been eagerly awaiting such a document. However, the Grand Technical
> Guru (i.e. you) is usually NOT the person to write such a thing. Usually, an
> associate, user, author, or some such person who is on the user side rather
> than on the implementing side. Separated from the lock washers and solder,
> these people usually paint the picture and portray the dream in clearer
> language.

Interesting.  That is what Michael Rae helped Aubrey de Grey do in their
coauthored book "Beyond Aging", I would say...

As I have some experience doing science journalism myself (I wrote newspaper
articles for a German paper for a while), I think I'm well qualified to
write such a thing ... but I just don't have the time right now....   And,
of course, it can be worthwhile for the purposes of writing such a thing, to
have a little more mental distance from the details than I would ever

> Is there such a person for OpenCogPrime? If not, then I guess I'll just
> have to go on waiting for your creation.

There are several people with the *ability* to write such a book associated
with OpenCog Prime ... but none at the moment with both the ability and the
free time ... due to the relevant folks having the need to work for a living
... but who knows, maybe a person with the requisite combination of
ability/time will emerge ... time will tell...


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