On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 9:57 PM, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- On Fri, 10/3/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You seem to misunderstand the notion of a Global Brain, see
> >
> > http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/GBRAIFAQ.html
> >
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_brain
> You are right. That is exactly what I am proposing.

It's too bad you missed the Global Brain 0 workshop that Francis Heylighen
and I organized in Brussels in 2001 ...

Some larger follow-up Global Brain conferences were planned, but Francis and
I both got distracted by other things....

It would be an exaggeration to say that any real collective conclusions were
arrived at, during the workshop, but it was certainly

> I am open to alternative suggestions.

Well, what I suggested in my 2002 book "Creating Internet Intelligence" was
essentially a global brain based on a hybrid model:

-- a human-plus-computer-network global brain along the lines of what you
and Heylighen suggest

coupled with

-- a superhuman AI mind, that interacts with and is coupled with this global

To use a simplistic metaphor,

-- the superhuman AI mind at the "center" of the hybrid global brain would
provide an overall goal system and attentional-focus, and

-- the human-plus-computer-network portion of the hybrid global brain would
serve as a sort of "unconscious" for the hybrid global brain...

This is one way that humans may come to, en masse, interact with superhuman
non-human AI

Anyway this was a fun line of thinking but since that point I diverted
myself more towards the creation of the superhuman-AI component

At the time I had a lot of ideas about how to modify Internet infrastructure
so as to make it more copacetic to the emergence of a
human-plus-computer-network, collective-intelligence type global brain.   I
think many of those ideas could have worked, but they are not the direction
the development of the Net worked, and obviously I (like you) lack the
influence to nudge the Net-masters in that direction.  Keeping a
build-a-superhuman-AI project moving is not easy either, but it's a more
tractable task...

-- Ben G

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