On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 2:05 PM, charles griffiths
> You have a point, but how would you propose giving specifications to the 
> AGI-programmer? Teach it English? Always have it modify working programs with 
> the same objectives (e.g., reduce runtime/memory, avoid crashing on any 
> input) in mind, like some kind of AGI-compiler?

Yes, I'd want it to have an English interface.. because I'd also
expect it to be able to read comments and commit messages in the
revision control and the developer mailing lists, etc.  Open Source
programmers (and testers!) are basically "disembodied" but they get
along just fine.

I'd also expect it to be able to "see" windows and icons and all those
other things that are part of software these days.  I wouldn't expect
it to be able to test a program and say whether it was working
correctly or not if it couldn't even see it running and interact with
it.  Of course, if you're testing command line apps you could get away
with a much simpler "sensor".


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