> From: Dr. Matthias Heger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In my opinion, the domain of software development is far too ambitious
> for
> the first AGI.
> Software development is not a closed domain. The AGI will need at least
> knowledge about the domain of the problems for which the AGI shall
> write a
> program.
> The English interface is nice but today it is just a dream. An English
> interface is not needed for a proof of concept for first AGI. So why to
> make
> the problem harder as it already is?

English is just the gel that the knowledge is embedded in. Sorting out that
format is bang for the buck. And it is just symbology as math is symbology,
or representation.

> The domain of mathematics is closed but can be extended by adding more
> and
> more definitions and axioms which are very compact. The interface could
> be
> very simple. And thus you can mainly concentrate to build the kernel
> algorithm.

Mathematics effectively is just another gel that the knowledge is stored in.
It's a representation of (some other wierd physics stuff that I won't bring
up). I think I can say that, that math is just an instantiation of something
other. Unless the actual math symbology is the math and not what it

Either way, all will be represented in binary, for software or an
electronics based AGI. How can you get away from the coupling of math and
software? Unless there is some REAL special sauce like some analog based

Loosemore would say that the coupling breaks somehow at complexity regions.
And I think that the representation of reality has to include those. 


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