--- On Sat, 10/18/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyway, I think it's reasonable to doubt my story about how RSI will be 
> achieved.  All I have is a plausibility argument, not a proof.  What got my 
> dander up about Matt's argument was that he was claiming to have a 
> "debunking" of the RSI ... a proof that it is impossible or infeasible.  I do 
> not think he presented any such thing; I think he presented an opinion in the 
> guise of a proof....  It may be a reasonable opinion but that's very 
> different from a proof.

I think the source of our disagreement is the "I" in "RSI". What does it mean 
to improve? From Ben's OpenCog roadmap (see 
http://www.opencog.org/wiki/OpenCogPrime:Roadmap ) I think it is clear that 
Ben's definition of improvement is Turing's definition of AI: "more like a 
human". In this case, AGI can never be achieved because nothing can be more 
like a human than a human.

My definition of improvement is in terms of goal achievement. If you allow that 
goal achievement depends on knowledge, and that algorithmic complexity bounds 
knowledge, then I think it is clear that RSI is not possible in a closed system 
because information can't come from nowhere. But if you accept this definition, 
then superhuman intelligence was achieved 50 years ago, depending on your 
choice of goals.

A third possibility is to extend the intuitive idea of human intelligence 
development in Ben's roadmap: artificial toddler -> child -> adult -> 
scientist. But I am not sure where this leads. Peering over the event horizon, 
perhaps it continues -> transhuman -> gray goo. Or maybe the more familiar -> 
retired -> dead. It would help if Ben outlined his goals for phases 6, 7, and 
8. Maybe:

1. To make Ben rich.
2. To make Ben happy.
3. To make Ben immortal.
4. To prove Matt wrong.

And then we could talk intelligently about RSI. For example, I could prove that 
(2) and (3) are mutually exclusive, leading to (4)...

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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