--- On Sat, 10/18/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The limitations of your imagination are striking ;-p

I imagine a future where AGI sneaks past us, like where Google can understand 
50% of 8 word long natural language questions this year, and 60% next year. 
Where they gradually switch from hand labeling of images to machine labeling 
and nobody notices. Where Mike gets his poetry machine that does nothing but 
poetry, but nobody cares if it is human or machine because it is just one more 
way that the internet gets smarter. Where we don't call it AGI because nobody 
mistakes an instant-access all-knowing internet for a human. Where we demand 
that machines record our every move (like this conversation) and make it all 
public and searchable. Where everyone knows enough about you to create a 
simulation good enough to fool all your friends and relatives. Where people 
create their own simulations and insist that they be turned on and have legal 
rights after they die. Where living humans go along in our quest for 
immortality. Where simulations compete, reproduce,
 evolve, acquire all of the world's computing power, and find DNA based 
computation to be too slow...

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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