--- On Mon, 10/20/08, Dr. Matthias Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Conceptual framework is not well defined. Therefore I
> can't agree or
> disagree.
> What do you mean with causal model?

A conceptual framework starts with knowledge representation. Thus a symbol S 
refers to a persistent pattern P which is, in some way or another, a reflection 
of the agent's environment and/or a composition of other symbols. Symbols are 
related to each other in various ways. These relations (such as, "is a property 
of", "contains", "is associated with") are either given or emerge in some kind 
of self-organizing dynamic.

A causal model M is a set of symbols such that the activation of symbols 
S1...Sn are used to infer the future activation of symbol S'. The rules of 
inference are either given or emerge in some kind of self-organizing dynamic.

A conceptual framework refers to the whole set of symbols and their relations, 
which includes all causal models and rules of inference.

Such a framework is necessary for language comprehension because meaning is 
grounded in that framework. For example, the word 'flies' has at least two 
totally distinct meanings, and each is unambiguously evoked only when given the 
appropriate conceptual context, as in the classic example "time flies like an 
arrow; fruit flies like a banana."  "time" and "fruit" have very different sets 
of relations to other patterns, and these relations can in principle be 
employed to disambiguate the intended meaning of "flies" and "like".

If you think language comprehension is possible with just statistical methods, 
perhaps you can show how they would work to disambiguate the above example.

> In this example we observe two phenomena:
> 1. primitive language compared to all modern languages
> 2. and as a people they exhibit barely any of the hallmarks
> of abstract
> reasoning
> From this we can neither conclude that 1 causes 2 nor that
> 2 causes 1.

OK, let's look at all 3 cases:

1. Primitive language *causes* reduced abstraction faculties
2. Reduced abstraction faculties *causes* primitive language
3. Primitive language and reduced abstraction faculties are merely correlated; 
neither strictly causes the other

I've been arguing for (1), saying that language and intelligence are 
inseparable (for social intelligences). The sophistication of one's language 
bounds the sophistication of one's conceptual framework. 

In (2), one must be saying with the Piraha that they are cognitively deficient 
for another reason, and their language is primitive as a result of that 
deficiency. Professor Daniel Everett, the anthropological linguist who first 
described the Piraha grammar, dismissed this possibility in his paper "Cultural 
Constraints on Grammar and Cognition in Piraha˜" (see 

"... [the idea that] the Piraha˜ are sub-
standard mentally—is easily disposed of. The source
of this collective conceptual deficit could only be ge-
netics, health, or culture. Genetics can be ruled out
because the Piraha˜ people (according to my own ob-
servations and Nimuendajú’s have long intermarried
with outsiders. In fact, they have intermarried to the
extent that no well-defined phenotype other than stat-
ure can be identified. Piraha˜s also enjoy a good and
varied diet of fish, game, nuts, legumes, and fruits, so
there seems to be no dietary basis for any inferiority.
We are left, then, with culture, and here my argument
is exactly that their grammatical differences derive
from cultural values. I am not, however, making a
claim about Piraha˜ conceptual abilities but about their
expression of certain concepts linguistically, and this
is a crucial difference."

This quote thus also addresses (3), that the language and the conceptual 
deficiency are merely correlated. Everett seems to be arguing for this point, 
that their language and conceptual abilities are both held back by their 
culture. There are questions about the dynamic between culture and language, 
but that's all speculative.

I realize this leaves the issue unresolved. I include it because I raised the 
Piraha example and it would be disingenuous of me to not mention Everett's 

> >>>
> I'm saying that if an AI understands & speaks
> natural language, you've
> solved AGI - your Nobel will be arriving soon.  
> <<<
> This is just your opinion. I disagree that natural language
> understanding
> necessarily implies AGI. For instance, I doubt that anyone
> can prove that
> any system which understands natural language is
> necessarily able to solve
> the simple equation x *3 = y for a given y.
> And if this is not proven then we shouldn't assume that
> natural language
> understanding without hidden further assumptions implies
> AGI.

Of course, but our opinions have consequences, and in debating the consequences 
we may arrive at a situation in which one of our positions appears absurd, 
contradictory, or totally improbable. That is why we debate about what is 
ultimately speculative, because sometimes we can show the falsehood of a 
position without empirical facts.

On to your example. The ability to do algebra is hardly a test of general 
intelligence, as software like Mathematica can do it. One could say that the 
ability to be *taught* how to do algebra reflects general intelligence, but 
again, that involves learning the *language* of mathematical formalism.

> >>>
> The difference between AI1 that understands Einstein, and
> any AI currently
> in existence, is much greater then the difference between
> AI1 and Einstein.
> <<<
> This might be true but what does this  show?

Just that natural language is hard. Obviously we disagree on that.

> >>>
> Sorry, I don't see that, can you explain the proof? 
> Are you saying that
> sign language isn't natural language?  That would be
> patently false. (see
> http://crl.ucsd.edu/signlanguage/)
> <<<
> Yes. In my opinion, sign language is no natural language as
> it is usually
> understood.

So the documented emergence of a totally new sign language among an isolated 
deaf community is somehow not natural?  See 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaraguan_Sign_Language (that's a different link 
from the last one) for an example of a sign language that developed from a 
pidgin to a creole in exactly the same way as spoken languages.

> >>>
> So you're agreeing that language is necessary for
> self-reflectivity. In your
> models, then, self-reflectivity is not important to AGI,
> since you say AGI
> can be realized without language, correct?
> <<<
> No. Self-reflectifity needs just a feedback loop for  own
> processes. I do
> not say that AGI can be realized without language. AGI must
> produce outputs
> and AGI must obtain inputs. For inputs and outputs there
> must be protocols.
> These protocols are not fixed but  depend on the input
> devices on output
> devices. For instance the AGI could use the hubble
> telescope or a microscope
> or both. 
> For the domain of mathematics a formal language which is
> specified by humans
> would be 
> the best for input and output. 


> >>>
> I'm not saying that language is inherently involved in
> thinking, but it is
> crucial for the development of *sophisticated* causal
> models of the world -
> the kind of models that can support self-reflectivity.
> Word-concepts form
> the basis of abstract symbol manipulation.
> That gets the ball rolling for humans, but the conceptual
> framework that
> emerges is not necessarily tied to linguistics, especially
> as humans get
> feedback from the world in ways that are not linguistic
> (scientific
> experimentation/tinkering, studying math, art, music, etc).
> <<<
> That is just your opinion again. I tolerate your opinion.
> But I have a
> different opinion. The future will show which approach is
> successful.
> - Matthias

I think there is a lot more evidence for the idea that language and 
intelligence are integrated than for the idea that they're not. 

I think all of the examples you've used to illustrate your points about 
language involve data transfers by dumb computers based on predetermined 
protocols. That is the narrowest domain you could possibly talk about - no 
intelligence whatsoever is required in that contrived situation.

An AGI needs to be competent (solve problems) in novel domains, which means 
learning new protocols for understanding and action. That's the crux of general 
intelligence, and I don't think you can ignore the *learning* of language, 
which you've admitted is hard.


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