I'm also confused. This has been a strange thread. People of average
and around-average intelligence are trained as lab technicians or
database architects every day. Many of them are doing real science.
Perhaps a person with down's syndrome would do poorly in one of these
largely practical positions. Perhaps.

The consensus seems to be that there is no way to make a fool do a
scientist's job. But he can do parts of it. A scientist with a dozen
fools at hand could be a great deal more effective than a rival with
none, whereas a dozen fools on their own might not be expected to do
anything at all. So it is complicated.

Or maybe another way to rephrase it is combine it with another thread . . . .

Any individual piece of science is understandable/teachable to (or my original point -- verifiable or able to be validated by) any general intelligence but the totally of science combined with the world is far too large to . . . . (which is effectively Ben's point)

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